It rains diamonds on jupiter


Jupiter, Planet, Solar System, Astronomy

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Solar and the biggest planet of 

the Solar System. It's the oldest planet of the Solar System thus it 

was the first to take shape  out of the remains of the solar nebula.

Diamonds big enough to be worn by Hollywood film stars could be raining down on Saturn and Jupiter, US scientists have calculated.

New atmospheric data for the gas giants indicates that carbon is abundant in its dazzling crystal form, they say.

Lightning storms turn methane into soot (carbon) which as it falls hardens into chunks of graphite and then diamond.

These diamond "hail stones" eventually melt into a liquid sea in the planets' hot cores, they told a conference. for more amazing facts scroll down below at the bottom.

Why it Rains Diamonds on Jupiter? - YouTube

Jupiter Formation

All through the universe, there are numerous planetary systems much like ours. Most of them comprise terrestrial planets like our personal and fuel giants like Jupiter. However, They Also Contain Super-Earths – Planets That Are Several Times More Massive Than Earth. 

This means that our personal Photo voltaic System(solar system) also needs to have these kind of planets and it's hypothesized that we did have them however they collided with Jupiter within the early formation of the Photo voltaic System(solar system). This resulted in Jupiter’s migration from the internal solar system to the outer solar system and thus allowed the internal solar system planets to form. This principle known as the Grand Tack hypothesis. 


The atmoshpere of Jupiter is the biggest planetary atmoshpere within the Photo voltaic System(solar system), spanning over 5.000 km / 3.000 mi in altitude. It's perpetually coated with clouds composed of ammonia crystals and presumably ammonium hydrosulfide. 

The clouds are situated within the tropopause and are organized into bands of various latitudes, referred to as tropical region, sub-divided into lighter-hued zones and darker belts. Due to their interactions, having conflicting circulation patterns, storms and turbulences are created.

Universe, Planets, Space, Jupiter


The magnetic field of Jupiter is fourteen times stronger than that of Earth. It ranges from 4.2 gauss / 0.42 mT on the equator to 10-14 gauss / 1.0 – 1.Four mT on the poles.

This makes Jupiter’s magnetic  field the strongest within the Photo voltaic System, aside from some phenomenon named “sunspots”, that happen on the sun which can be even stronger.

It's believed that the liquid metallic hydrogen present in Jupiter is answerable for this together with the volcanic exercise on Jupiter’s moon ."Io"(jupiter moon) that emits giant quantities of sulfur dioxide forming a fuel torus alongside the moon’s orbit. This fuel is ionized within the magnetosphere and thru completely different influences creates a plasma sheet in Jupiter’s equatorial airplane. This causes the deformation of the dipole magnetic subject into that of a magnetodisk.

Because of this, the aurora(a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, especially near the northern or southern magnetic pole. The effect is caused by the interaction of charged particles from the sun with atoms in the upper atmosphere) of Jupiter is stronger. It produces nearly one million Megawatts – Earth’s aurora, as compared, produces about 1.000 Megawatts. The mix of the highly effective magnetic subject and the charged particles from Io(Jupiter moon)  within the plasma torus creates the brightest auroras within the photo voltaic system. Sadly, most of them can solely be seen by means of ultraviolet. 

Urban Contact - Aurora | No Copyright - YouTube

The common moons of Jupiter consists of the Galilean moons and an internal group of Four small moons with diameters lower than 200 km / 124 mi, and orbits with radii lower than 200.000 km / 124.274 mi. All of them have orbital inclinations of lower than half a level. The Galilean moons orbit between 400.000 and a couple of.000.000 km – 248.548 mi and 1.242.742 mi. These moons are believed to have been shaped along with Jupiter since they've almost round orbits close to the airplane of Jupiter’s equator.


Regardless of being the biggest identified satellite  within the photo voltaic system, it lacks a considerable atmosphere.  It's the ninth largest object within the photo voltaic system with a diameter of 5.268 km / 3.273 mi and is 8% bigger than the planet Mercury, though solely 45% as massive.

it was named after the mythological cupbearer of the Greek gods, who was kidnapped by Zeus for this purpose. It is the only moon known to have a magnetic field and though it posseses a metallic core, it has the lowest moment of inertia factor of any solid body in the Solar System.

Outward from Jupiter, it's the seventh satellite  finishing an orbit round Jupiter in about 7 Earth days. It's in a 1:2:Four orbital resonance with the moons Europa and Io. It's comprised principally of equal quantities of silicate rock and water ice, having an iron-rich, liquid core, and an inner ocean that will comprise extra water than all of Earth’s oceans mixed.

A one 3rd of its floor(surface) is roofed by darkish areas coated in influence craters and a light-weight area, crosscut by in depth grooves and ridges presumably as a consequence of tectonic exercise as a consequence of tidal heating. It has a skinny atmosphere comprised of oxygen, ozone and different componentsThere may be some hypothesis on the potential habitability of Ganymede’s ocean.


The innermost and third-largest of the 4 Galilean moons of Jupiter, Io is the fourth-largest moon the photo voltaic system with the best density and the least quantity of water molecules of any identified astronomical object within the Photo voltaic System.

Named after the mythological character Io, a priestess of Hera who grew to become one among Zeus’ lovers, Io is probably the most geological lively object within the Photo voltaic system having over 400 lively volcanoes.


Europa is the smallest of the 4 Galilean moons and the sixth largest of all of the moons within the Photo voltaic System. It was named after the Phoenician mom of King Minos of Crete and lover of Zeus.

Its atmoshpere is skinny, composed primarily of oxygen. The floor could be very cleanIn actual fact it's the smoothest of any identified stable object within the Photo voltaic System. The apparent youth of the smoothness of the floor led to the speculation {that a} water ocean exists beneath it, which may conceivably harbor extraterrestrial life.It's barely smaller than Earth’s moon having a diameter of three.100 km / 1.900 mi. It's primarily fabricated from silicate rock and has a water-ice crust, and a most likely iron-nickel core.

At the moment, Europa most likely has the best of both having or growing life, and thus it is likely one of the most intently studied objects within the photo voltaic system.


Callisto is the second-largest moon of Jupiter and the third-largest moon within the Photo voltaic System after Ganymede and Saturn’s moon Titan. It has a diameter of about 4.821 km / 2.995 mi, having about 99% the diameter of the planet Mercury however solely a 3rd of its mass.

Apparently, the floor of Callisto is the oldest and most closely cratered within the Photo voltaic System. It has a particularly skinny atmosphere composed of carbon dioxide and possibly molecular oxygen.

The presence of an ocean inside Callisto opens the likelihood that it may harbor life however situations are regarded as much less favorable than on Europa. Regardless, it's thought-about probably the most appropriate planet for a human base for future exploration of the Jovian system as a consequence of low radiation ranges.

Irregular Moons

The irregular moons are small and have elliptical and inclined orbits. They're regarded as captured asteroids or fragments of captured asteroids. Their actual quantity is unknown however they're additional divided into sub-divisions – teamsduring which they share comparable orbital components and thus could have a standard origin.

There are Four teams:

  • The Himalia group – a clustered group of moons with orbits round 11 million to 12 million km / 6 to 7 million mi from Jupiter.
  • The Ananke group – a group with a retrograde orbit with slightly vague borders, averaging from 21 million km / 13 million mi from Jupiter with a median inclination of 149 levels.
  • The Carme group – they're a group with a reasonably distinct retrograde orbit that averages from 23 million km / 14 million mi from Jupiter with a median inclination of 165 levels.
  • The Pasiphae group – a really dispersed and solely vaguely distinct retrograde group that covers all of the outermost moons.
  • There are three irregular moons that stand out from these teams:
  • Themisto – it orbits midway between the Galilean moons and the Himalia group.
  • Carpo – it's on the internal fringe of the Ananke group and orbits Jupiter in prograde course.
  • Valetudo – this moon has a prograde orbit however overlaps the retrograde teams and will end in future collisions with these teams.
some amazing facts about jupiter
  • When Jupiter was shaped it had twice its present diameter.
  • Jupiter shrinks 2 cm yearly as a result of it radiates an excessive amount of heath.
  • Jupiter is so large that its barycenter with the Sun lies above the Sun's floor at 1.068 sun's radii from the Sun's heartIt's the solely planet whose barycenter with the Sun lies outdoors the amount of the Sun
  • If Jupiter can be 75 times extra largeit could most likely grow to be a star.
  • If an individual who weighs 100 kilos on Earth would in some way stand on the floor of Jupiter, that particular person would weigh about 240 kilos as a consequence of Jupiter’s gravitational power.
  • Though Simon Marius, a German astronomer, just isn't credited with the only real discovery of the Galilean satellites, his names for the moons have been adopted.
  • Jupiter experiences nearly 200 times extra asteroid and comet impacts than Earth
  • Jupiter has been known as the Photo voltaic System’s(solar system's)vacuum cleaner, due to its immense gravity nicely. It receives probably the most frequent comet impacts of the Photo voltaic System’s planets.
  • It was thought that the planet served to partially defend the internal system from cometary bombardment. However, recent computer simulations suggest that Jupiter does not cause a net decrease in the number of comets that pass through the inner Solar System, as its gravity perturbs their orbits inward roughly as often as it accretes or ejects them. This topic remains controversial.
  • Jupiter could have been answerable for the Late Heavy Bombardment of the internal Photo voltaic System’s historical past.

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